Comparing And Contrasting Question Preview (ID: 55074)

I Can Compare And Contrast. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Crocodiles and Alligators are covered with scales and have backbones. They have short legs and long, powerful tails. Also, baby crocodiles and alligators both hatch from eggs. How are alligators and crocodiles alike?
a) They both have short legs and powerful tails.
b) They both eat eggs.
c) They are covered in hair.

I have a pet dog and cat in my house. My dog, Spot, likes to chew on his bone, while my cat, Stripes, likes to sleep. They both love to cuddle with me on the couch. How are my pets similar?
a) They both chew on things.
b) They both sleep a lot.
c) They both love to cuddle.

The Fourth of July and Veteran's Day are both U.S. holidays. However, the Fourth of July celebrates our independence and Veteran's Day celebrates military veterans. How are these holidays different?
a) Fourth of July celebrates independence, while Veteran's Day celebrates veterans.
b) Both holidays are in the summer.
c) Both holidays are celebrated in the U.S.

Sally is having strawberry ice cream and Juan is having chocolate ice cream. If I am comparing Sally and Juan, what do they have in common?
a) They are eating with a spoon.
b) They are eating ice cream.
c) It is hot outside.

Cinderella is kind, sweet, and charming, while her step sisters are mean and cruel. How are Cinderella and her step sisters different?
a) They both want to marry the prince.
b) Cinderella is kind, but her step sisters are not.
c) The step sisters are kind, but Cinderella is not.

Kate lived in a large house with many animals. Her best friend, Jill, lived in a small house without pets. How were the friends' homes different?
a) Kate had a large house, but Jill's was small.
b) Kate doesn't have pets, but Jill does.
c) Both Kate and Jill have homes.

Molly and Sara are sisters. They like to swim during the summer. Molly is in the school band and Sara is on the basketball team. How are these sisters alike?
a) They are both in band.
b) They are both on the basketball team.
c) They enjoy swimming.

A teacher and a doctor both work with many people every day. The teacher works with children at the school, however, the doctor sees patients at the hospital. How are a teacher and doctor alike?
a) They work with children.
b) They work in a hospital.
c) They work with many people.

What does it mean to compare two things?
a) describe how things are different
b) describe how things are the same

What does it mean to contrast two things?
a) describe how things are different
b) describe how things are the same

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