Unit 3 Review Question Preview (ID: 55059)

Unit 3 Expansion Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Most U.S. Territorial Expansion took place in the 1800's. What century would that be?
a) 17th Century
b) 18th Century
c) 19 Century
d) 20th Century

Which treaty established these terms of peace to end the Mexican-American war?
a) Treaty of Paris
b) AdamsOnís Treaty
c) Treaty of Washington
d) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

the great experiment of liberty and federated self government: this describes...
a) democracy
b) capitalism
c) slavery
d) Christianity

Which of the following stated that the United States would not tolerate European intervention in Latin America?
a) Alien and Sedition Acts
b) Monroe Doctrine
c) XYZ Affair
d) Treaty of Ghent

The U.S. government sent 7,000 troops to force the Cherokee Indians to march west. It is known as the _______________.
a) Great Compromise
b) Tail of Trees
c) Trail of Tears
d) Great Migration

What was the party called that Andrew Jackson was a member of?
a) Federalist
b) Whig
c) Democratic-Republican
d) Democratic

The buying of a piece of land just south of the Rocky Mountains that helped secure an easy route from east to west
a) The Louisiana Purchase
b) The Gadsden Purchase
c) The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
d) The Oregon Territory

Which modern day states can be found in the Louisiana Purchase?
a) Michigan and California
b) Louisiana and Texas
c) New York and Oregon
d) Kansas and Nebraska

How did many Americans act on their belief in the Manifest Destiny of the United States in the 1800s?
a) settlers moved west to start a new life.
b) farmers switched from food crops to cash crops
c) businesses expanded and added new employees.
d) women demanded equality and the right to vote

How did the ideas of Manifest Destiny reflect certain racial attitudes prevalent in the country in the mid-19c?
a) There was a sense of superiority over Native Americans
b) Native American tribes were treated with patience and respect

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