Persian War Question Preview (ID: 55055)

Information Related To The Battles Of The Persian War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What military strategy allowed the Athenians to defeat the Persian navy at the Battle of Salamis?
a) They did a practice called chuck and duck. They threw kitchen sinks at the Persians until they gave up.
b) They lured the Persians on land into a narrow pass and 300 brave Spartans defended the city
c) They fought the Persians on land and flanked them from the sides
d) They lured Persian ships into a narrow channel and rammed their boats

Why did Athenians flee to nearby islands before the Battle of Salamis?
a) They had teamed up with the Spartans and were luring them into a trap on land
b) They needed additional farmland, so they set up new colonies
c) The Persian army swept through and destroyed Athens
d) They had hoped to establish new trading posts

Why didn't the 300 Spartans retreat when they had the chance at the Battle of Thermopylae?
a) They outnumbered the Persians and believed that they could win
b) They wanted to be brave and give the other retreating soldiers time to escape
c) They wanted revenge against the Persians who had defeated Athens at the Battle of Marathon
d) They were too busy taking selfies

What event completely changed the Battle of Thermopylae in the favor of the Persians?
a) The Persian navy was sunk by Athenian boats, which ended the war
b) The Spartans and the Athenians teamed up to defeat the Persians
c) A Greek traitor showed the Persians a war around the mountain
d) Taylor Swift had a concert, which everyone enjoyed, while also learning about her sad love life

After Persian King Darius died, who took over leadership of Persia after him?
a) His son, Xerses
b) His uncle, Menaleus
c) The Trojan Solider, Achilles
d) Babar

At the Battle of Marathon, who did Pheidippides initially run to in order to ask for help?
a) Delphi
b) Sparta
c) Corith
d) Mycenae

How did the outnumbered Athenian army win the Battle of Marathon?
a) They hid in a gift box by the Christmas tree... and when they opened their presents.. bam
b) Athenian soldiers hid in a Trojan Horse and when they wheeled it into their city, they then attacked
c) They lured the Persian army into a valley and attacked from each side
d) They rammed the Persian army with their boats

What time period did the Persian Wars occur?
a) 600BC-200BC
b) 1200BC-800BC
c) 499BC-479BC
d) 100AD-400AD

What Greek city-state revolted in 499BC, which caused the Persian War to begin?
a) Mara Lago
b) Athenian city-states
c) Spartan city-states
d) Ionian city-states

What group initially helped the Ionians, but then left after early battle success, causing the Ionians to lose?
a) Athens
b) Sparta
c) Thor
d) Delphi

What two Greek city-states teamed up to finally defeat the Persians at the Battle of Plataea?
a) Athens and Sparta
b) Corinth and Delphi
c) Ionia and Athens
d) Sparta and Ionia

What was built by the Greeks to honor their victory against the Persians?
a) Berlin Wall
b) Colliseum
c) Parthenon
d) Culvers

Why did the Ionians want to revolt against the Persians, which started the Persian War?
a) The Persians would not trade with them
b) They did not want to pay tribute or fight in the Persian Army
c) They were not able to fight in the Persian Army
d) The Persians banned them on Twitter and that was like rude

Who eventually won the Persian War by 479 BC?
a) Greek City-States
b) Persia
c) No one won
d) My Uncle Ralph- he wins at everything

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