Winds And Air Pressure Question Preview (ID: 55)

Factors Effecting Wind, Characteristics Of High And Low Pressure Systems And Spacing Of Isobars. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A strong surface wind is blowing from city A toward city B. City B has a barometric pressure of 1,013 millibars. The barometric pressure of city A would most likely be
a) 988 mb
b) 1,002 mb
c) 1,013 mb
d) 1,026 mb

As the temperature of the atmosphere at a given location increases, the air pressure will most likely
a) decrease
b) increase
c) remain the same
d) none of the above

Which factor is most directly related to wind velocity?
a) pressure gradient
b) cloud type
c) relative humidity
d) dewpoint

As wind velocity decreases, the distance between isobars on a weather map will
a) increase
b) decrease
c) remain the same
d) none of the above

Wind velocity is most directly dependent on the
a) gradient of the air pressure field
b) value of the Coriolis effect
c) moisture content of the air
d) rotational velocity of the Earth

Rapidly falling barometric pressure readings most likely indicate
a) approaching storm conditions
b) clearing conditions
c) decreasing humidity
d) decreasing temperatures

On a July afternoon the barometric pressure is 29.85 inches and rising. This reading most likely indicates
a) rapidly clearing skies
b) an approaching storm
c) continuing fair weather
d) gradually improving conditions

A weather map shows isobars that are close together, indicating a steep pressure gradient. Which weather condition is most likely present?
a) strong winds
b) dry air
c) low temperatures
d) low visibility

Which factor most directly affects the wind speed between two locations?
a) air pressure
b) Coriolis force
c) dewpoint temperature
d) cloud cover

Air pressure is usually highest when the air is
a) cold and dry
b) cold and humid
c) warm and dry
d) warm and humid

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