Persuasive Conclusions Question Preview (ID: 54985)

Conclusions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Each reason in your conclusion should begin with...
a) a period
b) an opinion
c) a question
d) a transition word

Why should you avoid new information in your conclusion?
a) It's your last paragraph, so you don't have more paragraphs to talk about new ideas.
b) It's boring.
c) New information belongs in paragraph 6.
d) We should never give our reader any new information.

A good concluding paragraph...
a) will make your reader disagree with you
b) will make your reader forget about your reasons
c) will cause your reader to agree with you
d) will include spelling mistakes

How do you end a concluding paragraph?
a) you ask your reader a thought-provoking question
b) you ask your reader a yes or no question
c) you share a hook with your reader
d) with a capital letter

Where do we find our reasons for our concluding paragraph?
a) In Body Paragraph #1.
b) In our Introductory Paragraph.
c) We get to make them up.
d) A teacher will share them with us.

A good conclusion contains...
a) 5 sentences
b) 2 sentences
c) 8 sentences
d) 6 sentences

Why do we include a Connect to World sentence?
a) To entertain our reader so that they will laugh.
b) To ask our reader a question.
c) To show our reader that our topic is important to everyone around the world.
d) To share our opinion.

Which paragraph is your concluding paragraph?
a) The first paragraph.
b) The second paragraph.
c) The middle paragraph.
d) The last paragraph.

How should a conclusion begin?
a) By restating your opinion.
b) With a reason.
c) By lifting a line.
d) With an example.

What is the purpose of a conclusion?
a) To make your reader want to read more.
b) To remind your reader of the reasons why they should agree with your opinion.
c) To persuade your reader to disagree with you.
d) To support Reason #1.

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