Conflict Practice Game Question Preview (ID: 54980)

2 Categories And 4 Types: Internal - Individual Vs Self, 3 External - Individual Vs Individual, Individual Vs Nature, Individual Vs Society. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The captain ordered all passengers back to their cabins and instructed the crew to remove all the furniture from the upper decks. “This storm is treacherous,” he said. “We’re going to be up against some powerful waves.”
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

On the one hand, Tim is disappointed that the concert is cancelled. On the other hand, he’s a bit relieved, since he was feeling very nervous about performing in front of so many people.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

I looked over the choices behind the lunch counter. Everything looked fried and unhealthy except for the wilted lettuce in the salad. I didn’t know if I wanted to keep my commitment to only eat healthy food if it meant having all that limp lettuce fo
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Amelia heard a dull rumble in the distance. Her father came running form the field and yelled, “Tornado!” Amelia raced into the house to get her brothers, and when she emerged the wind was so strong that she could hardly walk.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

The bank robbers were on the run. Even though they hadn’t hurt anyone, and even though they didn’t actually get any money when they demanded it from the tellers, they had technically robbed a bank, which was against the law.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

As soon as she’d said the cruel comment about Loretta’s dress, Carla felt bad. “Why?” she thought. “Why am I so unkind to people? I want to make friends, but I always end up being mean!”
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Lisa and her sister Sydney share one computer. Usually it isn’t a problem, but today, Sydney wants to use it to read about her favorite band, and Lisa wants to use it to research Mt. Everest for her science class.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Tyler knows that cheating is wrong. He also knows that his parents will be very disappointed if he fails this math test. When he sees that the teacher has left the answers on the corner of her desk, he doesn’t know what to do.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Individual
d) Individual vs Self

Kyle and Larry both want to be on the basketball team this year. The coach has announced that there will be a second try- out as there is only one spot left on the team but more than one player he is considering. Kyle and Larry must compete in a one-
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Pennie is on her way home from school when a storm suddenly appears. She races to get out of the rain, but is caught in a flash flood as she crosses a bridge. Pennie clings to a tree to avoid being carried away with the rushing water.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Kelly knows that she saw her friend, Kimmy, steal a pair of earrings, and that she should tell someone. However, Kelly is her friend, and she doesn’t want her to get into trouble.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Two candidates are running for mayor. Only one can win.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

A group of divers is trapped in an underwater cave when a giant octopus swims into the only exit.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Sunder refuses to wear the school uniform and is sent home for the day.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

An astronaut discovers an alien creature on the moon that refuses to let him return to earth.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

A student organizes a demonstration to protest a city law against skateboarding in an abandoned parking lot.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Joanna wins a scholarship to a prestigious boarding school, but she isn’t sure she wants to go because she is afraid she will miss her friends.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Drake would really like to visit his older brother at college, but he is worried his brother’s friends will make fun of him for being a “little kid.”
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Barnie doesn’t agree with the health department rules and allows people to bring their dogs to his restaurant, even though he may have to pay a fine.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

Kristin used to have a difficult time in class because she needed glasses and couldn’t read the board. She is still afraid to raise her hand because in the past her answers were always wrong.
a) Individual vs Nature
b) Individual vs Society
c) Individual vs Self
d) Individual vs Individual

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