Financial Consumer Responsibility Question Preview (ID: 54921)

Students Will Complete 10 Questions On Making Spending Money, Budgeting, Saving, Investing, Using Credit Debit Cards. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What should be included in your family budget?
a) groceries
b) radio
c) candy
d) shoes

What is a good monthly budget?
a) 10/30/50 budget
b) 20/40/10 budget
c) 50/30/20 budget
d) 60/50/20 budget

What is the 70 20 10 rule?
a) 20% goes to monthly expenses, 70% goes in savings, 10% training
b) 70% goes to monthly expenses, 20% goes in savings, 10% training
c) 10% goes to monthly expenses, 70% goes in savings, 20% training
d) 50% goes to monthly expepenses, 20% goes in savings, 10% training

A debt investment where an investor loans money to either the government or corporation for a period of time at a fixed interest is called
a) unit
b) down payment
c) fix rate
d) bond

The gain or loss on an investment over a specific period, expressed as a percentage is called
a) risks
b) percentage
c) interest
d) rate of return

The system that allows the transfer of money between the savers and borrowers is called
a) yearly report
b) financial system
c) code
d) universal system

Money and other valuables belonging to an individual or business is called a
a) asset
b) return
c) portfolio
d) liquidity

The money one has saved, especially through a bank or official scheme is called
a) withdrawl
b) savings
c) interest
d) reward

A market in which share prices are rising, encouraging buying is called a
a) invest market
b) trade market
c) stock market
d) bull market

An addition of funds to an account balance is called
a) deposit
b) debit
c) fees
d) bond

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