Davidson/Wright Vocab Week 19 Question Preview (ID: 54911)

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to leave something behind with no plan to return to it / dejar algo atrás sin plan para volver a eso
a) interpret
b) distinct
c) boycott
d) abandon

to refuse to buy, use, or go somewhere in order to make a protest or bring about a change / negarse a comprar, usar o ir a algún lugar para protestar o provocar un cambio
a) interpret
b) distinct
c) boycott
d) abandon

clearly different; clearly noticed; something that sticks out / claramente diferente; notado claramente; algo que sobresale
a) interpret
b) distinct
c) boycott
d) abandon

to figure out or explain the meaning of something / para averiguar o explicar el significado de algo
a) interpret
b) distinct
c) boycott
d) abandon

able to be heard / capaz de ser escuchado
a) distinct
b) abandon
c) sanctuary
d) audible

a place that is safe / un lugar seguro
a) sanctuary
b) audible
c) abandon
d) distinct

underground; below the earth's surface / subterráneo; debajo de la superficie de la tierra
a) sanctuary
b) audible
c) subterranean
d) distinct

weird; mysterious; strange and frightening / extraño; misterioso; extraño y aterrador
a) sanctuary
b) subterranean
c) audible
d) eerie

a word that has the same meaning as another word / una palabra que tiene el mismo significado que otra palabra
a) sanctuary
b) antonym
c) distinct
d) synonym

a word that has the opposite meaning of another word / una palabra que tiene el significado opuesto de otra palabra
a) audible
b) boycott
c) antonym
d) synonym

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