World Regions Question Preview (ID: 54907)

Physical And Cultural Regions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which statement is false?
a) all of the physical and cultural regions in the world have already been established and will remain unchanged through time
b) climate is a characteristic of physical regions
c) physical regions can change due to natural disaster or human influence
d) new cultural regions develop as people migrate to new places and others of their culture come to joing them

Which is a characteristic or cultural region?
a) people speak the same language
b) Natural resources
c) forests and rivers
d) roads and buildings

Which would be part of a physical region?
a) river, mountains
b) holidays, language
c) clothing, beach
d) traditions, forest

How are weaher and climate different?
a) weather is day to day but climate is patterns over time
b) Weather is patterns over time but climate is day to day changes
c) weather is only about temperatures and climate is about wind patterns
d) they are the same so there is no real difference

Which type of map would someone use to study physical regions?use
a) climate and vegetation map
b) population denisty map
c) world religions map
d) political map

What is the definiton of a region?
a) an area that shares similar physical or cultural characteristics
b) a large area of land with a developed population
c) an area that shares similar time zones
d) an area influenced by people who have moved into it from another area

Which of the following terms would be an accurate desctiptor of our region?
a) agricultural
b) young
c) urban
d) suburban

What type of region is shown by a map of landforms?
a) Physical
b) Cultural
c) neither
d) both

The skills and abilities of the people of a region make up their
a) human resources
b) physical region
c) physical resources
d) cultural region

Which characteristics would relate to a physical region?
a) climate, vegetation, landforms
b) language, climate , holidays
c) climate, landforms, traditions
d) clothing, climate, language

What is a physical region?
a) an area that shares similar land features
b) an area that shares similar ways of living
c) an area that shares same kinds of doctors
d) an area that shares similiar celebrations and tradtions

Which characteristic is NOT part of what defines a cultural region?
a) landforms
b) beliefs
c) clothing
d) language

Which of these characteristics can be found in our physical region here in Ohio?
a) hills
b) tundra
c) desert
d) tropical vegetation

Different people use different words for the same product. This is because they live in different
a) cultural regions
b) physical regions
c) manufacturing regions
d) climate regions

Choose the statement that is true
a) humans have the ability to cause change in any region
b) there are regions in the United states, one or each state
c) any type of region, physical or cultural, always has the same characteristics
d) neither physical nor cultural regions can ever be changed

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