Northeast Region Lesson 2 Question Preview (ID: 54888)

History Of The Northeast- Native Americans, Colonies, Events Leading To The American Revolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Henry Hudson is famous for
a) Discovering the first colonies
b) Exploring the Northeast region
c) Starting the American Revolution
d) Fighting for the British army

What is the Boston Tea Party
a) Colonists dumped tea overboard into the harbor to protest British prices on it
b) Colonists dumped tea overboard into the harbor to protest British laws
c) Colonists dumped tea overboard into the harbor to protest taxation without representation
d) Colonists dumped tea overboard into the harbor because they no longer wanted to drink tea

The year that the Revolution began
a) 1776
b) 1775
c) 1783
d) 1876

Leader of the colonial army during the Revolution was
a) John Adams
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Benjamin Franklin
d) George Washington

Some colonists came to America for this reason
a) become powerful leaders
b) start a new country
c) religious freedom and money
d) work for the British King

The American Revolution lasted this many years
a) 6
b) 8
c) 4
d) 10

A peace agreement that helped the 5 Iroquois tribes get along was called
a) a treaty
b) a truce
c) a confederation
d) an agreement

What the natives used wood for
a) canoes
b) weapons and tools
c) longhouses
d) all of the above

Two types of animals the natives hunted for food
a) squirrel and wild game
b) fish and wild game
c) deer and wild game
d) moose and deer

What is the Declaration of Independence
a) A document where colonists declared they would follow the King forever
b) A document that stated colonists would no longer buy British goods
c) A document where Colonists declared they wanted to be their own country
d) None of the above

Two foods that the natives americans farmed
a) corn and squash
b) apples and melons
c) beans and potatoes
d) nuts and seeds

Colonists were angry with the British King for the following reason
a) He sent them to America against their will
b) He increased taxes on goods and gave them no say in government
c) Colonists were left without supplies to survive in the new world
d) He began a war with the colonists

Native American who created the confederation of peace laws for the Iroquois tribes
a) Hiawatha
b) George Washington
c) King George
d) John Adams

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