Fractions 4 Question Preview (ID: 54885)

Adding Fractions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

They walked a total of 20 10 11 miles that day. If Main St. is 4 5 11 miles long, how long are all the other streets combined?
a) 15 5/11
b) 14 5/11
c) The length of other streets combined is 16 5/11 miles.
d) 13 5/11

They spent 5 3 6 hours strolling uptown and another 6 2 6 hours strolling downtown before going home. How much time did they spend strolling around the city?
a) 11 2/3
b) 12 5/6
c) They spent 11 5/6 hours strolling around the city.
d) 13 5/6

12 of the 15 boxes of chocolate chip cookies were sold. What fraction of boxes of chocolate chip cookies was sold during the super sale period?
a) 3/5
b) 4/5 of the chocolate chip cookie boxes were sold during the sale
c) 1/2
d) 1/3

Hannah bought 100 lbs of strawberries, 70 lbs of which was used in making Strawberry Overload cakes. What fraction of the Strawberries was used for Strawberry Overload cakes?
a) 8/10
b) 7/10 of the strawberries were used.
c) 4/10
d) 5/10

Laurice’s father wanted to have citrus cream pie and so he bought one from the baker’s corner. If they consumed 5 of the 8 equal slices of the citrus cream pie, what part of the pie was left?
a) 2/6
b) 5/6 of the block of cheese will be used for pizza.
c) 3/6
d) 4/6

Of the 4 lbs of carrots that her mother bought, 1 lb will be used for minestrone and 2 lbs to feed their rabbits. What fraction of the carrots will be used for minestrone?
a) A total of 1/4 of the carrots will be used for minestrone
b) 2/4
c) 3/4
d) 1/2

Laurice’s mother bought 1 bag of flour which weighs 10 lbs. She will use 3 lbs to make pancakes for breakfast the next day. What fraction of the bag of flour will she use to make pancakes?
a) 4/10
b) 5/10
c) 6/10
d) She will use 3/10 of the bag of flour to make pancakes.

Laurice is fond of fruits so he went to the fruit section and saw that there was one crate with 24 red juicy apples. She asked her mom to buy 5 of these. What fraction of the apples did they buy?
a) 6/24
b) 2/24
c) They bought 5/24 of the apples in the crate
d) 8/24

Luke saw 9 books about the Solar System and its 9 planets. These were thick books and so he thought that 2 of these would be enough. What fraction of the solar system books did he borrow?
a) He borrowed 2/9 of the solar system books.
b) 3/9
c) 1/9
d) 1/3

.. Gilly found 15 books on underwater life and brought 7 of these to the table. What fraction of the books on underwater life did she bring to the table?
a) 8/15
b) She brought 7/15 of the books on underwater to the nearest table.
c) 6/15
d) 4/15

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