Fraction 3 Question Preview (ID: 54884)

How Many. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Their first destination was the city theater. If they watched one musical for 2 5 hours and another musical for 1 5 hours, how much time did they spend at the city theater?
a) 1/2
b) 3/4
c) They spent 3/5 of an hour at the city theater.
d) 1/4

Sean, Emma and Dave shared a pizza. The pizza was cut into equal parts. They each ate one part. No pizza was left. How did they cut the pizza?
a) 1/3
b) 2/3
c) 1/4
d) 1/5

Ashley, Morgan, Chris and Liz shared a pizza. The pizza was cut into equal parts. They each ate one part. No pizza was left. How did they cut the pizza?
a) 2/4
b) 2/3
c) 1/3
d) 1/4

Jack and Ric shared a pizza. The pizza was cut into equal parts. They each ate one part. One part of pizza was left. How did they cut the pizza?
a) 1/2
b) 1/3
c) 1/4
d) 3/4

Dave and Jack shared a pizza. The pizza was cut into equal parts. They each ate one part. Two parts of pizza was left. How did they cut the pizza?
a) 1/2
b) 3/4
c) 1/4
d) 2/4

Chris, Ric, Maddy and Jack shared a pizza. The pizza was cut into equal parts. They each ate one part and each took one part home. No pizza was left. How did they cut the pizza?
a) 1/2
b) 3/8
c) 1/8
d) 2/4

There are 5 tomatoes but 2 5 of them are rotten. Joe throws out the rotten tomatoes and puts the rest in his basket. How many did he throw out?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 1

There are 6 zucchinis but 4 6 of them are rotten. Joe throws out the rotten zucchinis and puts the rest in his basket. How many did he throw out?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5

There are 8 onions but 3 8 of them are rotten. Joe throws out the rotten onions and puts the rest in his basket. How many did he throw out?
a) 4
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

They packed 5 cupcakes. Ashley had 1 5 of the cupcakes. Emily and Chris each had 2 5 of the cupcakes H
a) 3/5
b) 1/5
c) 2/5
d) 4/5

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