Unit 6 Greek And Latin Root Words Question Preview (ID: 54875)

Review Of Unit 6 Greek And Latin Roots. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The latin root for head is...
a) gen
b) cap
c) cycl
d) ord

The latin root for health is. . .
a) san
b) phil
c) heal
d) brev

Which cognate does not include the Greek root for love?
a) philanthropist
b) philharmonic
c) decapitate
d) philosopher

The ______ term for President of the United States is POTUS.
a) breve
b) brevity
c) abbreviate
d) abbreviation

Mentally healthy people are ______.
a) sane
b) insane
c) sanitary
d) sanitation

The ________ is the stone at the top of a wall or building.
a) captain
b) caption
c) capstone
d) capture

Which Latin root means row or rank?
a) ord
b) row
c) phil
d) loc

We wash our hands before lunch because it is ____________.
a) insane
b) sanitize
c) sanitary
d) station

The Latin root for short is ______.
a) brave
b) bro
c) cycl
d) brev

______________ show their love for humanity by supporting charities.
a) phil
b) philanthropists
c) phillip
d) philosopher

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