ServSafe Practice Chapters #1 Question Preview (ID: 54873)

Review #1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which agency enforces food safety in a restaurant or foodservice operation?
a) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
b) Food and Drug Administration
c) State or local regulatory authority
d) U.S. Department of Agriculture

Three components of active managerial control include
a) identifying risks, creating specifications, and training
b) identifying risks, corrective action, and training
c) identifying risks, creating purchase orders, and training.
d) identifying risks, record keeping, and training.

A broken water main has caused the water in an operation to appear brown. What should the manager do?
a) Contact the local regulatory authority before use.
b) Use the water for everything except dishwashing.
c) Boil the water for 1 minute before use.
d) Use the water for everything except handwashing.

To prevent the deliberate contamination of food, a manager should know who is in the facility, monitor the security of products, keep information related to food security on file, and know
a) when to register with the EPA.
b) how to fill out an incident report
c) where to find Safety Data Sheets in the operation.
d) whom to contact about suspicious activity.

A food handler who has just bused tables must do what before handling food?
a) Change apron
b) Wash hands
c) Put disposable gloves back on
d) Wipe hands on a cloth towel

As part of handwashing, food handlers must scrub their hands and arms for at least
a) 3 seconds.
b) 5 seconds.
c) 10 seconds.
d) 20 seconds.

To work with food, a food handler with an infected hand wound must
a) cover the wound with an impermeable cover and wear a single-use glove
b) cover the wound with an impermeable cover and limit contact with food
c) wash hands and bandage the wound with an impermeable cover.
d) apply ointment and bandage the wound with an impermeable cover

How should food handlers keep their fingernails?
a) Short and unpolished
b) Long and unpolished
c) Long and painted with nail polish
d) Short and painted with nail polish

What should a manager of a quick-service operation do if a food handler reports having a sore throat and a fever?
a) Exclude the food handler from the operation.
b) Report the illness to the local regulatory authority
c) Speak with the food handler’s medical practitioner
d) Restrict the food handler from working with food.

What action should a manager take when a food handler reports having diarrhea and being diagnosed with a foodborne illness caused by Shigella spp.?
a) Keep the food handler away from duties that involve food.
b) Exclude the food handler from the operation.
c) Make sure the food handler is supplied with disposable gloves
d) Make sure the food handler washes hands often.

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