Midnight Magic Test Review Question Preview (ID: 54871)
Final Test Review.
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This is the person who used illusion to make money for his family
a) Sophia
b) Count Scarazoni
c) Mangus
d) King Claudio
The ten year old child of King Claudio
a) Fabrizio
b) Queen Jovanna
c) Rinaldo
d) Princess Teresina
This is the wife of Mangus the Magician
a) Queen Jovanna
b) Sophia
c) Princess Teresina
This is the weak, fearful man who allows Count Scarazoni to become very powerful
a) King Claudio
b) Signore Adetto
c) Mangus
d) Fabrizio
This is the mother to Princess Teresina
a) Sophia
b) Queen Jovanna
This is the man who lives in the castle of the Kingdom of Pergamontio and tries to be ruler
a) King Claudio
b) Signore Adetto
c) Rinaldo
d) Count Scarazoni
This is the princess' royal tutor
a) Fabrizio
b) Signore Adetto
c) Count Scarazoni
d) King Claudio
This is the kitchen servant who is actually in disguise
a) Rinaldo
b) Fabrizio
c) Signore Adetto
d) King Claudio
This is the teenager who has supposedly been murdered
a) Rinaldo
b) Prince Lorenzo
c) Fabrizio
d) Count Scarazoni
This is the twelve year old servant of Mangus the Magician
a) Rinaldo
b) Prince Lorenzo
c) Princess Teresina
d) Fabrizio
Who pretended to be the ghost during Mangus' performance?
a) Mangus
b) Fabrizio
c) Prince Lorenzo
d) Queen Jovanna
Who was Rinaldo?
a) Count Scarazoni's son
b) Fabrizio's cousin
c) Prince Lorenzo
d) Mangus' brother
Why was Fabrizio put into the dungeons?
a) He did a magic trick.
b) He hit Scarazoni.
c) He was accused of being a spy.
d) He stole gold coins.
Who does Teresina have regular meetings with in the chapel at midnight?
a) Fabrizio
b) The king
c) The queen
d) Rinaldo
Which of these is NOT TRUE of Fabrizio
a) he is the magician's servant
b) he can perform magic tricks
c) he lives with the magician
d) he is a well known magician
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