Context Clues #1 Question Preview (ID: 54806)

This Is Practice With Context Clues (which Help You Figure Out Unfamiliar Words). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A spider web may look flimsy, but spider silk is actually five times stronger than steel.
a) beautiful
b) weak
c) silky
d) inflexible

Jack was happy and astounded when he found out he won the MVP for the soccer season. Astounded means?
a) disappointed
b) satisfied
c) pleased
d) very surprised

Kelly was bored. She spent each day counting buttons, and she did not believe that there could be a more monotonous job. Monotonous means?
a) exciting
b) varied
c) dull
d) prosperous

My father told me that it would not be prudent to eat too much candy at one time. Now I wish I had listened.
a) unexpected
b) unwise
c) expected
d) wise

Her mother called again, and she could hear the impatience in her voice downstairs. Impatience means?
a) patience
b) annoyance
c) endurance
d) persistence

He snatched the chickens out of the yard and ran off with them! Snatched means?
a) stole
b) gave
c) smelled
d) glowed

Emily's mom sternly told her to finish practicing her piano, because she had taken long enough. Sternly means?
a) happily
b) beautifully
c) sadly
d) strictly

Jan took one look at the hideous creature and ran away in disgust. Hideous means:
a) very ugly and frightful
b) beautiful but frightful
c) very happy and excited
d) very scared and alone

Our dog gnawed through the rope, allowing him to get loose and leave the backyard. Gnawed means?
a) stopped
b) untangled
c) dug
d) chewed

The snake slithered across the back porch when my mom chased it away with a broom. Slithered means?
a) stopped
b) moved
c) slept
d) jumped

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