Geologic Time: Life On Earth Question Preview (ID: 54780)

Life On Earth, ESRT Page 8-9. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This group of organisms went extinct 65 million years ago
a) dinosaurs
b) trilobites
c) mammals
d) insects

The earliest insects lived during this Period of the Paleozoic
a) Silurian
b) Holocene
c) Cretaceous
d) Triassic

Which photosynthetic organism changed the atmosphere during the PreCambrian?
a) Stromatolites
b) Dinosaurs
c) Coral
d) Brachiopods

Which large group of organisms was abundant during the Permian Period?
a) reptiles
b) mammals
c) birds
d) grasses

Brachiopods are not good index fossils because
a) they were alive for too long on the Earth
b) they were not alive long enough on Earth
c) they only live in the ocean
d) they do not contain any hard body parts

Pleurodictyum belongs to this group of organisms
a) corals
b) vascular plants
c) mammals
d) dinosaurs

Which of the following groups of organism NEVER lived on Earth at the same time?
a) birds and graptolites
b) birds and mammals
c) birds and dinosaurs
d) dinosaurs and mammals

Trilobites like Cryptolithus and Phacops dominated this geologic Era
a) Paleozoic
b) Mesozoic
c) Cenozoic
d) PreCambrian

The group of animals dominating the most current geologic Era are
a) mammals
b) coral
c) fish
d) reptiles

Of all the species that once roamed Earth...
a) 99.9% are extinct
b) around 10% are extinct
c) less than 1% are extinct
d) less than half are extinct

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