Industrial Revolution Concepts Question Preview (ID: 54727)

Review Of Industrial Revolution Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Industrial Revolution was a time period where:
a) power-driven machinery was developed.
b) power-driven machinery was outlawed.
c) most people had service jobs
d) most people had farming jobs

How did the economy shift during the Industrial Revolution?
a) Industrial to Agricultural
b) Agricultural to Service
c) Agricultural to Industrial
d) Industrial to Service

Which of these was NOT a factor of production considered necessary for operating a successful factory during the 1st Industrial Revolution?
a) Growing population of workers.
b) A labor union protecting the interests of workers
c) Money and skills of prosperous investors.
d) Natural resources (water and coal).

Which of the following did early labor unions NOT fight for?
a) Less working hours per week
b) Increased hourly wages
c) Safer working conditions
d) More jobs for immigrants

The system of manufacturing large numbers of identical items.
a) Mass production
b) Mass transportation
c) Assembly line
d) Cottage industry

System in which workers stay in one place, adding parts as items go by.
a) Cottage industry
b) Assembly line
c) Mass production
d) Mass transportation

The idea that government should not interfere in business.
a) Laissez-faire
b) Communism
c) Socialism
d) Dictatorship

The theory that society, not individuals should own all property and industry.
a) Laissez-faire
b) Socialism
c) Communism
d) Capitalism

A system in which the government controls the economy.
a) Laissez-faire
b) Socialism
c) Communism
d) Capitalism

Where did the 1st Industrial Revolution begin?
a) Great Britain
b) France
c) The United States
d) China

During what century did the 1st Industrial Revolution begin?
a) 16th
b) 17th
c) 18th
d) 19th

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