Mixture And Solutions Question Preview (ID: 54726)

Science-Properties Of Matter. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This does the dissolving-
a) A) solvent
b) B) solute

Lemonade, sodas, and salt water some are examples of______________
a) A) soot
b) B) solutions
c) C) mixtures
d) D) solute

When salt dissolves in water, the particles are spread out so evenly they seem to be-
a) A) energized
b) B) alive
c) C) invisible
d) D) solid

Which of the following tools could be used to separate iron filings from a pile of sand?
a) A) balance scale
b) B) magnet
c) C) ruler
d) D) graduated cylinder

When one substance is dissolved in another substance, the result is known as a -
a) A) liquid
b) B) solution
c) C) problem
d) D) force

A solution is a type of -
a) A) organism
b) B) force
c) C) liquid
d) D) mixture

Mixtures can easily be -
a) A) separated
b) B) destroyed
c) C) transferred
d) D) melted

A mixture is a combination of two or more
a) A) substances
b) B) liquids
c) C) rocks
d) D) gases

The substance that gets dissolved
a) A) solvent
b) B) solute

A fruit salad with apples, oranges, and grapes is a
a) Chemical change
b) Mixture
c) Solution
d) Gas

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