New Asian Empires Question Preview (ID: 54715)

New Asian Empire Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

None of these three major empires allowed for any religious tolerance or freedom within their kingdoms
a) True
b) False
c) None of the above
d) All of the above

This Muslim empire lasted from 1300s-1923; At its height, had conquered parts of three different continents.
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Safavid Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Gunpowder Empires

This former Muslim empire was located in modern day Turkey
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Safavid Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Gunpowder Empires

Which of these Muslim Empires lasted from 1520s-1720s and was known for architecture (Taj Mahal).
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Safavid Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Gunpowder Empires

This former Muslim empire was mostly made up of Sunni Muslims
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Safavid Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Gunpowder Empire

This Muslim empire was located in modern day India
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Safavid Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Gunpowder Empire

Which of these empires lasted from about 1500-1722 and was known for art and culture like Persian rugs? for
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Safavid Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Gunpowder Empire

Which Muslim empire was mostly made up of Shia Muslims?
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Safavid Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) Gunpowder Empire

Which Muslim empire was located in what is modern day Iran?
a) Ottoman Empire
b) Safavid Empire
c) Mughal E,pire
d) Gunpowder Empire

None of these three major empires engaged in the practice of slavery.
a) True
b) False
c) None of the above
d) All of the above

All three of the major Muslim empires were able to use strong military's ________ weapons to take control expand their empires.
a) Sharp-edged
b) Blunt instrument
c) Nuclear
d) Gunpowder

All three of the major Muslim empires used their power and influence to spread their faith and culture throughout Europe and Asia.
a) True
b) False
c) None of the above
d) All of the above

A political and social system based giving out land and titles in exchange for loyalty, military assistance, and other services.
a) Feudal System
b) Peasant System
c) Monarchy
d) Shogun

A trained professional warrior during Japan's feudal age.
a) Daimyo
b) Shogun
c) Samurai
d) Emperor

Which of these groups would have been at the bottom of the medieval Japanese social structure?
a) Peasants
b) Daimyo
c) Shogun
d) Emperor

Lasted from 1368-1644 ; At its height under Emperor Hongwu.
a) Qing Dynasty
b) Ottoman Dynasty
c) Ming Dynasty
d) Mongol Dynasty

Lasted from 1644-1911; At its height it spread across: Taiwan, Mongolia and Tibet.
a) Qing Dynasty
b) Mongol Dynasty
c) Duck Dynasty
d) Ming Dynasty

Both the Ming Qing Dynasties rejected European influence and closed their borders to foreign trade.
a) True
b) False
c) Both A and B
d) All of the above

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