Mars Question Preview (ID: 54712)

Mars Here We Come. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

what do scientists say about mars?
a) That Mars is beautiful
b) That Mars is ugly
c) That we are destroying our ecosystem.
d) we don't know

What is the only way to survive ?
a) kill humans
b) To colonize another planet
c) To kill the president
d) we don't know

What is the perfect planet to colonize?
b) Earth
c) Jupiter
d) we don't know

Why Mars is the perfect planet?
a) We don't know
b) Because Mars is ugly
c) Because Mars is beautiful
d) Because is similar to Earth

What number is Mars from the sun?
a) The first one
b) The second one
c) The fourth one
d) we don't know

Can we find water in Mars?
a) Yes, it is mainly ice
b) No , there is not water
c) we don't know
d) it doesn't say

How much time last a day on mars?
a) it lasts 365 hours
b) it lasts 24 hours and 39 minutes
c) we don't know
d) it doesn't say

Mars gets a lot of sun so we can ...
a) Use solar panels to make electricity
b) we can go to the beach
c) we can have fun
d) we don't know

Mars has...
a) a thin astmosphere
b) a fat astmosphere
c) we don't know
d) it doesn't say

How can we get mars?
a) It's difficult
b) we don't know
c) ,
d) m

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