Place Value And Rounding Decimals Question Preview (ID: 54707)

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What is $3.72 rounded to the nearest cent?
a) $4.00
b) $3.00
c) $3.72
d) $3.70

What is $42.94 rounded to the nearest dollar?
a) $43.00
b) $42.00
c) $40.00
d) $45.00

Round 3.45 to the nearest tenths place
a) 3
b) 3.4
c) 3.5
d) 4.0

Round $24.53 to the nearest dollar
a) $25.00
b) $24.00
c) $24.50
d) $24.53

What place value is the 0 in 19.703
a) ones
b) tens
c) hundredths
d) tenths

What is 239.192 rounded to the nearest tenth?
a) 240
b) 239.1
c) 200
d) 239.2

Round 35.72 to the nearest tenth
a) 35.7
b) 35
c) 40
d) 35.8

Which place value is the digit 5 in the number 30.527?
a) ones
b) tenths
c) hundredths
d) thousandths

Are 0.5 and .5 the same number?
a) Yep
b) Nope

Are 0.3 and 0.03 the same number?
a) Oh yeah!
b) Ummm NO!

Find the sum of 4 + 0.8
a) 4.8
b) 4.08
c) 4.008
d) 5.8

Sam has $50 to buy pizzas. If each pizza costs $9.50, how many pizzas can Sam buy?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

Round $64.58 to the nearest dollar (ones place)
a) $70.00
b) $60.00
c) $65.00
d) $64.00

Find the sum of 10 + 0.3 + 0.08
a) 23.38
b) 10.11
c) 11.38
d) 10.38

Round $75.83 to the nearest dime (tenths)
a) $75.00
b) $75.90
c) $75.70
d) $75.80

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