NWEA Vocabulary 231-260 Practice Question Preview (ID: 54702)
NWEA Vocabulary Practice For Sixth Grade.
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A common type of character, action or situation that represents a common pattern.
a) Archetype
b) Omniscient
c) Oxymoron
d) Paradox
Combination of words that do not seem to go together.
a) Archetype
b) Omniscient
c) Oxymoron
d) Pathetic Fallacy
Means all knowing, in writing it’s a type of third person point of view where narrator seems to be able to tell you the thoughts and feelings of all characters
a) Archetype
b) Omniscient
c) Oxymoron
d) Paradox
Similar to personification, but gives human emotions to nonhuman objects.
a) Archetype
b) Omniscient
c) Oxymoron
d) Pathetic Fallacy
A statement that fights against itself because it contains two statement that are both true, but cannot be true at the same time.
a) Archetype
b) Omniscient
c) Oxymoron
d) Paradox
When you use an image, shape, color, or other simple visual to stand for something else.
a) Cliche
b) Iambic Pentameter
c) Symbolize
d) Syntax
A line of verse with five metrical feet, each consisting of one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable,
a) Cliche
b) Iambic Pentameter
c) Symbolize
d) Stereotype
Very common phrases/ideas that are used too much.
a) Cliche
b) Iambic Pentameter
c) Syntax
d) Stereotype
Rules words must follow so they can be put together in order to create sentences.
a) Cliche
b) Iambic Pentameter
c) Symbolize
d) Syntax
An unfair belief that all people or things that have a certain characteristic are a certain way
a) Cliche
b) Symbolize
c) Syntax
d) Stereotype
A group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythm.
a) Poetry Metric Feet
b) Antithesis
c) Parallelism
d) Scansion
Two opposite ideas put together.
a) Antithesis
b) Parallelism
c) Scansion
d) Synecdoche
Use elements in sentences that are identical in sound and meaning.
a) Poetry Metric Feet
b) Antithesis
c) Parallelism
d) Scansion
A figure of speech in a piece/part of something is used to represent the whole thing.
a) Anithesis
b) Parallelism
c) Scansion
d) Synecdoche
When you scan a verse in a poem to try to figure out its meter and rhythm. Similar to how you annotate a text with special markings, scansion is how you annotate a poem with special markings for meter and rhythm
a) Antithesis
b) Parallelism
c) Scansion
d) Poetry Metric Feet
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