Hatchet Vocabulary Chapters 9-14 Question Preview (ID: 54695)

Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To surround closely
a) imbed/embed
b) kindling
c) refraction
d) vital

inactive; in a state of rest
a) dormant
b) tinder
c) to bank
d) comprise

consisted of
a) comprise
b) flammable
c) rectify
d) fashion

to correct of fix something
a) rectify
b) primitive
c) tinder
d) refraction

simple and not complicated, being the first or earliest of the kind in existence
a) primitive
b) exult
c) embed
d) dormant

to pile up; to build up
a) to bank
b) flammable
c) refraction
d) eddy

the bending of a wave as it passes from air to water, from one medium to another
a) Refraction
b) tinder
c) kindling
d) imbed

dry flammable material, such as wood or paper used for lighting a fire
a) tinder
b) to bank
c) eddy
d) fashion

to make
a) fashion
b) refraction
c) rectify
d) exult

to rejoice: to feel triuphant
a) exult
b) fashion
c) primitive
d) kindling

dry sticks of wood used to build a fire
a) kindling
b) exult
c) eddy
d) fashion

swirling current of water, ait, smoke, etc.
a) eddy
b) exult
c) comprise
d) fashion

to signal or send a message
a) telegraph
b) eddy
c) vital
d) dormant

necessary or essential to life
a) vital
b) bank
c) telegraph
d) dormant

able to catch fire easily
a) flammable
b) comprise
c) telegraph
d) eddy

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