NWEA Vocabulary 181-190 Practice 2 Question Preview (ID: 54687)
NWEA Vocabulary Practice For Sixth Grade.
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When an author writes to make a reader feel a certain way.
a) Manual
b) Mood
c) Moral
d) Multisyllabic
A word of many syllables
a) Manual
b) Mood
c) Moral
d) Multisyllabic
Placing things in the order that they happened.
a) Manual
b) Mood
c) Moral
d) Order of Events
A lesson that is learned from a story or an experience.
a) Manual
b) Mood
c) Moral
d) Order of Events
A small book that explains how to work something
a) Manual
b) Mood
c) Moral
d) Multisyllabic
A group of two or more words that express a single idea but do not usually forma complete sentence.
a) Phrase
b) Play
c) Plot
d) Poet
A person who writes poems.
a) Phrase
b) Play
c) Poet
d) Poetry
A piece of writing that tells a story through the actions and words of characters and is performed on a stage.
a) Play
b) Plot
c) Poet
d) Phrase
A type of writing that often rhymes, follows a pattern, and has stanzas
a) Phrase
b) Play
c) Plot
d) Poetry
A series of events that form the story in a novel, movie, etc.
a) Phrase
b) Play
c) Plot
d) Poetry
Texts, videos, software, and other materials used to help you find answers or learn something.
a) Predict
b) Point of View
c) Resource
d) Plot
When a reader thinks ahead while reading and takes a guess on what might happen in a story.
a) Predict
b) Point of View
c) Resource
d) PLot
How an author decides to write a through the eyes of a narrator or character. For example: First-Person, Third Person, etc.
a) Predict
b) Point of View
c) Resource
d) Plot
A book, such as a dictionary or encyclopedia where a person can locate information about a topic.
a) Source
b) Play
c) Poetry
d) Reference Book
The words that make up the main part of a book, magazine, newspaper, Web site, etc.
a) Summarize
b) Text
c) Theme
d) Thesaurus
A central idea/message in a piece of writing or other work of art
a) Summarize
b) Text
c) Theme
d) Topic Sentence
A sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph in which it occurs.
a) Summarize
b) Theme
c) Thesaurus
d) Topic Sentence
To give a brief statement of the main points of something
a) Summarize
b) Theme
c) Thesaurus
d) Topic Sentence
A book in which words that have the same or similar meanings are grouped together
a) Summarize
b) Text
c) Theme
d) Thesaurus
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