George Saves A Birthday Question Preview (ID: 54683)

Reading Comprehension. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who is the birthday girl?
a) George
b) Sarah
c) Mom
d) Julie

a) because she didn't like it
b) because she ruined it
c) because she had a new one
d) it doesn't say

Who is George?
a) Is the birthday boy
b) is sarah's brother
c) is the father
d) is a friend

Why did Sarah and mom bang heads?
a) Sarah and mom reach the box at the same time
b) because they wanted
c) because it was funny
d) It doesn't say

who brought the balloons for the party?
a) George
b) Sarah
c) Dad
d) mom

what happened to the balloons ?
a) The balloons exploded
b) the balloons deflated
c) the balloons float out the door
d) It doesn't say

who are sarah's friends?
a) George, mom and dad
b) dad , mom and sarah
c) Julie, Edward and mom
d) Julie , Edward and Tom

Julie has a dog , What's its name?
a) firulais
b) pulguita
c) Rosie
d) laica

who brought pizza from the kitchen?
a) George
b) dad
c) mom
d) it doesn't say

Who knocks the pizza out of her hands?
a) the dog
b) george
c) tom
d) sarah

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