Microorganisms Question Preview (ID: 54680)

Science For 5th Grade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Living things that are too small to be seen without a microscope.
a) microorganisms
b) beneficial
c) vaccines
d) penicillin

good for you
a) harmful
b) beneficial
c) vaccine
d) germs

Decomposers that look like plants but can’t make their own food. Example: Mushrooms
a) producers
b) consumers
c) fungi
d) organisms

Tiny parasite that can only live if it is attached to another living thing. Smaller than bacteria.
a) virus
b) fungus
c) algae
d) penicillin

Bad for you
a) beneficial
b) harmful
c) bacteria
d) protozoa

Another word for “microorganisms”
a) beneficial
b) harmful
c) microbes
d) unicellular

plant-like living things that are the major producers of oxygen. Found in rivers, lakes, and oceans.
a) fungus
b) algae
c) bacteria
d) protists

The Largest group of microorganisms. They are found everywhere on earth and can be shaped like rods, spirals, or balls. Most are beneficial but some are harmful. Used to make cheese and Yoghurt Live in your gut and help
a) microbes
b) fungus
c) bacteria
d) virus

Medicines that cure diseases caused by bacteria and sometimes protozoa.
a) virus
b) protozoa
c) antibiotic
d) microbes

A product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease
a) vaccine
b) virus
c) fungi
d) microbes

Microbes that are harmful and make you sick
a) disease
b) germs
c) algae
d) vaccine

A condition that prevents your body from functioning like it should. Sickness
a) fungi
b) vaccine
c) disease
d) protist

A living thing that eats dead, decaying organisms for survival. They help keep our environment clean.
a) consumer
b) producer
c) algae
d) decomposer

Organism made of only one cell (unicellular) that is not an animal or a plant, bacteria or fungus. Many cause diseases in humans.
a) bacteria
b) protists
c) algae
d) vaccine

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