The Great Break-Up Review Question Preview (ID: 54670)

This Is A Review Of The Notes Gathered From The Scavenger Hunt. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What did the Balfour Declaration seek to provide the Jews?
a) A country of their own
b) an ending to WW1
c) Triple Entente
d) Triple Alliance

What was created to check balance of power?
a) Militarism
b) Imperialism
c) Alliances
d) Nationalism

What resulted due to the breaking up of the Ottoman Empire?
a) WWI
b) fighting over land and resources
c) WW2
d) 6 million Jews

How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust?
a) 6 million
b) 5 million
c) 3 million
d) 1 million

What created an arms race?
a) Militarism
b) Nationalism
c) Alliances
d) Imperialism

Where were Jews forced to live?
a) In space
b) Progroms
c) Holocaust
d) Ghettos

The Balfour Declaration was created in what year?
a) Sept 3, 1917
b) Nov 2, 1917
c) Oct 5, 1917

Anti-Semitism means?
a) Anti-Jewish riots
b) Hostility or prejudice towards Jews
c) 6 million Jews died

Which nation is the center of the Arab world?
a) Palestine
b) Saudi Arabia
c) Turkey
d) Israel

What agreement resulted in the break up of the Middle East?
a) Sykes-Picot Agreement
b) WWI
c) Triple Entente
d) Triple Alliance

What was the alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia in WWI called?
a) Triple Alliance
b) Triple Entente
c) Balfour Declaration
d) Sykes-Picot Agreement

Which of these was not a reason for WWI?
a) Militarism
b) Nationalism
c) Alliances
d) Holocaust

What was the alliance was between Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary during WWI called?
a) Triple Alliance
b) Triple Entente

The Ottoman Empire was carved up by which two nations?
a) France and Britain
b) Germany and Italy
c) Germany and Russia

What did Zionists want to happen in the Middle East?
a) Sykes-Picot Agreement
b) The Holocaust
c) To end WW1
d) To give Jews a homeland in Palestine

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