Ancient Egypt- Pyramids, Religion, And Mummies Question Preview (ID: 54658)

This Game Will Include Questions From Our Pyramids, Religion, And Mummies Guided Notes Section. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What do historians believe the purpose of the Pyramids was ?
a) They were a military base
b) They belive that they were used to keep sacred treasures.
c) They were used to store extra food
d) They were a way to contact aliens

How did the designers of the pyramids protect the buried kings inside from robbers?
a) They made them air tight
b) By including mazes, traps, and false entry points.
c) They covered them with Silver plates
d) They built them far away from the cities

What was the name of the other major Architectural Achievement that was located near the pyramids?
a) The Great Snake
b) The Great Nile River Tunnel
c) The Great sphinx
d) The Great Valley of Kings

a) The belief of one god
b) An Egyptian military tactic of defense
c) Belief in many gods
d) An Egyptian style of writing

what did Ancient Egyptians believe about the Afterlife for their rulers?
a) They traveled to another world in the afterlife and lived with the gods and goddesses of the dead.
b) They lived forever as ghosts of the Nile River
c) They were taken to live in the clouds with Anubis
d) They made captive and stuck within the great pyramids

How did historians learn about the Ancient Egyptians religious beliefs?
a) They still believe these things today
b) They were pasted down from generations
c) They were made up by historians
d) They were found on sacred scrolls, artwork, and sculpture.

Why did Egyptians believe that they had to preserve or mummify the bodies of the dead?
a) They would need to be clean to enter the afterlife
b) they had to be able to recognize their body's in the afterlife
c) They needed to preserve the brains
d) They would never die if they were not properly preserved

Why were their Pharaoh’s bodies treated differently?
a) They were not treated any differently then most Egyptians
b) They had a lot of money
c) They usually were very tall and well fed
d) They were believed to be Gods

What is a “Sarcophagus”
a) The ritual of burying a Pharaoh
b) The process of mummification
c) The heavy outer most coffin
d) A large Pyramid

Who was the Egyptian god that lead people to the Under world to be measured for the afterlife
a) Osirius
b) Anubis
c) Isis
d) Ra

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