Gravity In The Universe Question Preview (ID: 54612)

Use This To Study For Your Gravity Quiz. You Also Need To Be Able To Explain Why The Earth Orbits The Sun. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Objects on Earth would fall ______ they would on the moon.
a) faster than
b) slower than
c) at the same speed
d) None of these. The moon has no gravity.

What is the Milky Way Galaxy orbiting?
a) the sun
b) a solar nebula
c) a black hole
d) the universe

A ____ is a place where gravity is so strong, even light can't escape.
a) star
b) comet
c) solar nebula
d) black hole

Why does the sun's gravity affect us more than other larger stars?
a) It is bigger.
b) It is closer.
c) It has more density.
d) It is a yellow/orange star.

The law of inertia says _____.
a) energy cannot be created or destroyed; it only changes form.
b) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
c) an object in motion stays in motion until acted on by an outside force.
d) all people are created equal.

On which of the following would you weigh most?
a) the moon
b) Mercury
c) Earth
d) Mars

Which of the following has the most gravity?
a) your pencil
b) the moon
c) the Earth
d) Jupiter

What TWO factors affect the amount of gravitational pull?
a) mass of the planet and mass of the object
b) mass and matter
c) mass and volume
d) mass and distance

What is gravity?
a) force of attraction between objects
b) force of motion
c) upward force
d) downward force

The speed of a falling object is based on the mass of _____.
a) the object
b) the Earth
c) the Sun
d) the moon

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