Unit 3 Question Preview (ID: 54611)

Tropism And Turgor Pressure. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Responses in plants that result in movement away from or toward a stimulus are called —
a) tropisms.
b) differentiation.
c) adaptations.
d) yield.

What process causes a plant to wilt in response to too much or too little water?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Respiration
c) Transpiration
d) Dehydration

Students conducted a lab. They used identical plants and containers. Both plants had equal exposure to sunlight. Plant A received 100 mL of fresh water, while plant B received 100 mL of salt water. Which did the students observe?
a) Plants A and B both showed significant growth.
b) Plant A appeared to be healthy, but Plant B was wilted.
c) Plant A was wilted, but Plant B appeared to be healthy.
d) Plant A experienced a change in color, but Plant B did not change.

On leaf surfaces, guard cells that open and close in response to the amount of water available is an example of—
a) phototropism.
b) constructive feedback.
c) homeostasis.
d) respiration.

In a germinating seed, the downward growth of roots and upward growth of leaves and stems are the plant's responses to —
a) sunlight
b) gravity
c) osmosis
d) water

What purpose does the xylem in a plant serve?
a) Transportation of food and nutrients
b) Transportation of water and minerals
c) Anchors the plant in the ground
d) Transforms energy through photosynthesis

Students observed a plant left by a window over several days. The plant was watered daily. After three days, the plant began to grow towards the window . Which of the following best explains the student’s observations?
a) Heat from the Sun caused the plant to grow towards the window.
b) The plant is leaning towards the window to get fresh air.
c) The plant is responding to the stimulus of sunlight.
d) The plant is responding to water in the air and growing towards it.

Four students observed a wilted plant and were asked to identify the internal stimulus that caused the wilting. Their responses are shown below.
a) not enough moisture in the air
b) lack of water inside of plant cells
c) not enough sunlight
d) too much water in the air

geo mean
a) light
b) water
c) gravity
d) ground

photo mean
a) gravity
b) water
c) light
d) touch

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