Magnetism Summative Review Question Preview (ID: 54589)

Use This Activity To Review For The Magnetism Summative Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To cause two magnets to exert LESS force on each other, you would
a) move them farther away
b) move them closer
c) leave them alone
d) make them dance

Identify one way to DECREASE the strength of an electromagnet
a) Increase the number of coils and the voltage of the battery.
b) Increase the number of coils and decrease the voltage of the battery.
c) Decrease the number of coils and increase the voltage of the battery.
d) Decrease the number of coils and the voltage of the battery

A magnet that only works when there is an electric current flowing is called a(n)
a) incomplete magnet
b) temporary magnet
c) permanent magnet
d) partial magnet

Like poles
a) repel
b) attract
c) do nothing
d) jump around

Items that would be attracted to a magnet must contain
a) aluminum, iron or tin
b) gold, silver, or mercury
c) lions, tigers and bears (oh my)
d) iron, cobalt or nickel

The domains of a piece of metal that contains iron will do what when in a magnetic field?
a) begin pointing in all directions
b) align and produce poles in that piece of metal
c) nothing
d) become angry

What is the relationship between the strength of an electrical current field strength in an electromagnet?
a) as the current increases, the strength increases
b) as the current increases, the strength decreases
c) as the current increases or decreases, the strength remains constant
d) the strength of the current does not affect the field strength

Why does the north end of a compass needle point North?
a) The north pole is repelled by the earth's south pole
b) It is repelled by the earth's magnetic field
c) Its north pole is attracted to the earths magnetic south pole
d) There is no explanation for this insanity!!

Creating a magnet from a non-magnetized piece of metal is known as
a) magneticizing
b) magnetization
c) magnetism
d) magnetosphere

Compasses can be affected by current flowing through a wire because
a) the electric current produces a magnetic field
b) the compass becomes confused
c) the compass is broken
d) the compass is attracted to the power source

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