Precalculus Final Exam Review BEWARE(study Before Taking) Question Preview (ID: 54584)

Would You Like To Test Your Knowledge On Precalculus, Before Taking The Precalculus Final? Or Would You Like To Add A Little More Confidence In Knowing That You Will Ace The Precalculus Final Exam? Then, You Have Chosen The Right Review. Let's Get Started. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

x is
a) Cosine
b) Sine
c) Tan
d) Arc

y is
a) Arc
b) Cosine
c) Sine
d) Tan

True Or False ? An angle is defined as the union of two rays with a common endpoint.
a) I know you know this.
b) True
c) False
d) You got this!

Fill in the blank. Coterminal angles are in standard position and share the same _____ side
a) terminal
b) direct
c) angle
d) left

True or False? Angles are also coterminal when they share terminal sides.
a) False
b) Which one could it be ?
c) There is only one right answer. No pressure.
d) True

Simplify the matrix. (4 6 +0 1)
a) (7 4)
b) (5 7)
c) (4 7)
d) (-4 -5)

Simplify the matrix. (5 10 8)+(1 6 4)
a) (-6 -16 -12)
b) (5 .2 2)
c) (4 4 1)
d) (6 16 12)

Based on the given measurement, mC=88° , b= 20cm, c = 11cm , how many possible triangles can be formed?
a) 3 possible triangles
b) 2 possible triangles
c) None
d) 1 possible triangle

d) b

d) a

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