SS 9 Collective Rights Question Preview (ID: 54575)

Social Studies 9 Alberta Program Of Study. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did the patriation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms affect Québec’s language laws under Bill 101?
a) The Charter prohibited English signs in Québec.
b) The Supreme Court decided that the law cannot prohibit the use of English on commercial signs
c) The Supreme Court decided that signs in Québec must only be in English.
d) The Supreme Court upheld that signs in Québec must only be in French.

Which of the following is described as the belief that one’s own culture is superior to all other cultures?
a) ethnocentrism
b) bias
c) conceited
d) prejudice

Because the Canadian government believed that First Nations peoples needed guidance and that their ways were inferior to those of Europeans, it created which of the following?
a) Indian Act
b) Numbered Treaties
c) Nunavut Land Claims Agreement
d) Aboriginal Rights

“What we speak of will last as long as the sun shines and the river runs. We are looking to the future of our children’s children.” This is written about Treaty 6 from the perspective of which group?
a) the Canadian government
b) Inuit
c) First Nations
d) Francophone

First Nations peoples disagree with the view that they gave up their land under the Treaties because
a) they did not sign any treaties
b) the Treaties said that they could share the land with non-First Nations peoples
c) the Treaties expired in 2000
d) that was not the spirit and intent of the Treaties

The Numbered Treaties included the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and
a) Québec
b) Northwest Territories
c) New Brunswick
d) Prince Edward Island

Which Canadian politician tried to preserve Métis rights and culture and led the Northwest resistance?
a) Chief Morris Scennacappo
b) Louis Riel
c) Howard Sibbald
d) Pierre Trudeau

In 1990, Alberta’s government enacted legislation that gave the Métis
a) the right to manage their own affairs
b) a permanent land base
c) rights to develop oil and gas resources on settlement lands
d) all of the above

Although First Nations peoples have historic treaties with Canada’s government, which of the following do not?
a) Francophone
b) Inuit
c) Métis
d) Anglophones

Collective rights are part of the dynamic relationship between the government of Canada and the government of the U.S.
a) True
b) False

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