SS 9 Charter Question Preview (ID: 54573)

Social Studies 9 Alberta Program Of Studies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

It is important for Canada to have a constitution to ensure equal protection to everyone. Which one of the following is not a reason why Canadians needs a constitution?
a) Canada is vast and diverse
b) Canada has 2 official languages
c) Canada is a peaceful country

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives every person in Canada the same rights, whether or not they are a Canadian citizen, except for
a) the right to express your opinions
b) the right to associate with any person or group
c) the right to move anywhere in Canada
d) the right to vote

The right to vote for a new government at least every five years is
a) a fundamental freedom
b) a democratic right
c) a mobility right
d) a legal right

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was incorporated into the constitution in 1982 for which of the following reasons?
a) to please the British monarchy
b) to ensure that all Canadian citizens, regardless of where they lived in Canada, were protected by the same law(s)
c) to make sure that all Canadian citizens could challenge in court the laws that restrict their rights
d) to help Canadian assimilate

Which of the following groups were not sent to internment camps because of their languages?
a) Ukrainian
b) German
c) Greek
d) Italian

In court, failing to provide interpreters for people who rely on sign language for communication is a violation of their
a) fundamental freedoms
b) democratic rights
c) mobility rights
d) equality rights

Which of the following sets out the framework for how Canada is to be governed?
a) judicial branch
b) constitution
c) charter
d) governor general

The Charter’s fundamental freedoms include
a) being able to vote
b) being able to move to a province or city
c) being free from discrimination
d) being able to express your opinions

The Indian Act
a) allowed parliament to consult the First Nations on government issues
b) allowed First Nations to have traditional ceremonies
c) prevented First Nations from taking political action
d) gave First Nations the right to vote

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms dates from
a) 1974
b) 1982
c) 1876
d) 2003

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