Immigrants Today Question Preview (ID: 54550)

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From somewhere else
a) Foreign
b) Community
c) Museum
d) IDK

A group of people who live in one place.
a) Local
b) Community
c) Preserve
d) IDK

To become used to something.
a) Foregin
b) Poverty
c) Adjust
d) IDK

The state or condition of being poor
a) Poverty
b) Local
c) Possession
d) IDK

A place where people can look at art or other valuable objects.
a) Immigrant
b) Local
c) Museum
d) IDK

To keep something from being lost.
a) Preserve
b) Adjust
c) Community
d) IDK

Someone who moves from one country to another country to live.
a) Preserve
b) Community
c) Immigrant
d) Local

a) Community
b) Local
c) Possession
d) IDK

It is ____ at the beach than in the mountains.
a) Warm
b) Warmer
c) More warm

I am building a ____ science project than my brother's.
a) Difficult
b) Difficulter
c) More Difficult

The sun feels ____ than it did last week.
a) Strong
b) Stronger
c) More strong

why has the United States been called the great melting pot?
a) It is famous for its gold mines and metals.
b) Its citizens come from many different cultures.
c) Its elections combine the votes of many people.
d) It is known for its large areas of hot desert land.

Why do some immigrants continue to follow their customs?
a) They want to preserve their own cultures.
b) They want to move back to their countries.
c) They think it will help them adjust to their new lives.
d) They want to show neighbors a new way of doing things.

Movies are ___ than ever before!
a) Expensive
b) Expensiver
c) More expensive

How did immigration change after World War 2?
a) More immigrants moved to the United States
b) Many immigrants returned to their homelands.
c) Immigrants traveled to other countries to live.
d) Immigrants had less religious freedom in the United States.

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