Creation Scientists Question Preview (ID: 54541)

Scientists Who Contributed To The Study Of Creation/evolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What book proposed the idea that man evolved through natural selection?
a) Fabrica
b) Origin of Species
c) Decent of Man
d) Historian Animalium

What scientific organization, founded in 1666, was supported by Huguenots and Jansenists?
a) French Academy of Sciences
b) Royal Society of London
c) Philosophical College
d) University of Tübingen

What English physician discovered blood circulation
a) Konrad Gesner
b) George's Cuvier
c) William Harvey
d) Charles Lyell

Which event became the birth of modern science?
a) Italian Renaissance
b) Publication of Origin of Species
c) Publication of Natural Theology
d) Protestant Reformation

Who proposed the idea that evolution occurs through natural selection?
a) Aristotle
b) Otto Brunfels
c) Georges Cuvier
d) Charles Darwin

Who was a French zoologist who founded the study of comparative anatomy?
a) William Paley
b) Georges Cuvier
c) Andreas Vesalius
d) Leonhard Fuchs

Who was a German professor from Tübingen who wrote The Natural History of Plants?
a) Leonhard Fuchs
b) Otto Brunfels
c) John Wilkins
d) Charles Darwin

Who wrote Principles of Geology?
a) William Paley
b) Cicero
c) Charles Lyell
d) Leonard Fuchs

Who published his detailed descriptions of human anatomy in Fabrica?
a) John Wilkins
b) Andreas Vesalius
c) William Paley
d) Georges Cuvier

Who described plants used for medicinal purposes in living pictures of herbs?
a) Andreas Vesalius
b) Leonhard Fuchs
c) Otto Brunfels
d) Charles Lyell

Who helped fund the Philosophical College and a leading member of the Royal Society?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Charles Lyell
c) William Paley
d) John Wilkins

A Roman statesman who wrote the evidence of design in the universe.
a) Cicero
b) Aristotle
c) Charles Darwin
d) Andreas Vesalius

The British theologian who wrote Natural Theologyheology
a) William Paley
b) John Wilkins
c) Charles Darwin
d) Charles Lyell

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