Solar System 2021 Question Preview (ID: 54525)

Space. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A rocket is an engine that carries its own fuel and-
a) oxygen
b) electricity
c) water
d) fire

The first person to step on the moon was-
a) Michael Collins
b) Neil Armstrong
c) Yuri Gagarin
d) Edwin Aldrin

The first person to travel into space was-
a) Neil Armstrong
b) Edwin Aldrin
c) Michael Collins
d) Yuri Gagarin

A characteristic of the space shuttle is that -
a) it is reusable
b) it can land like an airplane
c) the cargo bay can be used for a wide variety of tasks
d) all of the above

he International Space Station (ISS) is a _______ research laboratory in space.
a) Russian
b) Japanese
c) permanent
d) temporary

What was the goal of Project Gemini?
a) to photograph Jupiter
b) link two space craft together in orbit
c) to land on Mars
d) to go beyond our solar system

__________ is often called the Father of Modern Rocketry. 
a) Glenn
b) Goddard
c) Aldrin
d) Galileo

The spacecraft transports astronauts, satellites, and materials to and from space.
a) Satellite
b) rocket
c) space probe
d) Space Shuttle

This object orbits Earth and is used for communication, radio, television and weather.
a) space shuttle
b) rocket
c) satellite
d) space probe

This space instrument carries cameras and data collecting equipment, does not orbit and travels far into the solar system and beyond.
a) space probe
b) International Space Station
c) Space Shuttle
d) Satellite 

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