English Language Question Preview (ID: 54524)

Imaginative Writing. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these sentences is a 'show not tell' sentence?
a) Jayne really enjoyed playing football. It is her favourite sport
b) As the light went off, Julia tensed. Her hands slowly went into fists.
c) 'We can't find our way; we need to go back,' siad James.
d) Mark finished scouts early and had to walk home in the rain because his phone was dead.

What is pathetic fallacy?
a) When the weather in a novel or play changes very quickly.
b) When the weather in a play or novel is not mentioned.
c) When the writer makes a connection between human emotion and the landscape or behavious of the weather.
d) When the writer makes a connection between the charcter names and the landscape or behaviour of the weather

What type os dsensory words are these?: gloomy, dazzling, bright, foggy, gigantic
a) Taste
b) Hearing
c) Smell
d) Sight

What type of sensory words are these?: zesty, tantalizing, sweet, stinky, stale
a) Taste
b) Hearing
c) Sight
d) Touch

What type of sensory words are these? : vibrating, soaring, mind-boggling, staggering, bumpy
a) kkkklo
b) tyhjty
c) tyhyt
d) hyhyt

a) hytyh
b) rtyhr
c) tyht
d) tyyy

a) yyty
b) tytry
c) tywyt
d) tyw

yy yy54yw5
a) yryteyt
b) rtyt
c) rtrt
d) twret

treyy tytyr
a) rett rett
b) tet retrt
c) tret trt
d) rtt erttrt

trtr retrt
a) rtrt ryrey
b) tret retrt
c) trt rt tyr
d) ttrt retrt

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