Thermal Energy Question Preview (ID: 54517)

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What happens to the phase of an ice cube when it is warmed up?
a) When air molecules are warmed up from the sun, they move fast enough ice can change from a solid to a liquid.
b) When air molecules are warmed up from the sun, the molecules begin to slow down.
c) When air molecules are warmed up from the sun, they move faster and change from a liquid to a gas..
d) When air molecules are warmed up from the sun, the liquid turns into a solid.

What does kinetic energy mean?
a) energy that is used for electricity
b) the speed of the molecules
c) when an object changes from a gas to a liquid
d) what is used to determine the size of an object

The liquid water molecules speed up so fast that they change phases, it turns into _______
a) a gas
b) a liquid
c) a solid
d) plasma

What is the meaning of transfer?
a) To stay in the same place and not move.
b) To reach a stable state such as an equilibrium.
c) To move from one place to another or from one object to another
d) To create energy and then destroy it.

Which of the following objects with the same temperature have more total kinetic energy (thermal energy)? bathtub of hot water, a cup of hot cocoa, or a bucket of hot water
a) The hot cocoa because it has more molecules.
b) The bucket because is has more molecules.
c) The bathtub because it has more molecules.
d) They all have the same amount of total kinetic energy.

When a thing gets colder the molecules ___________
a) slow down and get closer together.
b) slow down and get further apart.
c) speed up and get further apart.
d) speed up and get closer together.

When two things are in contact, their molecules collide and _________
a) kinetic energy is destroyed.
b) kinetic energy is created.
c) kinetic energy transfers from faster to slower moving molecules.
d) kinetic energy transfers from slower to faster moving molecules.

What is the definition of temperature?
a) The total speed of the molecules of a thing.
b) The average kinetic energy of the molecules of a thing.
c) The amount of total kinetic energy of a thing.
d) How hot or cold something is.

When an ice cube is heated up, what happens to the speed of the molecules?
a) Molecules move faster when they are warm up and spread apart.
b) Molecules move slower when they are warmer and get closer together.
c) Molecules slow down and form a solid thing.
d) Molecules remain the same speed.

If you have a cup of hot tea and a warm bathtub, which one will cool down faster and why?
a) The warm bathtub will cool down faster because it has fewer molecules than the tea.
b) The warm bathtub will cool down slower because it has fewer molecules than the tea.
c) The warm bathtub will cool down faster because it has more molecules than the tea.
d) The hot tea will cool down faster because it has fewer molecules than the bathtub.

When you put an ice cube in a cup of hot soup, where does the transfer of energy occur?
a) Energy is transferred from the hot soup to the cold ice cube.
b) Energy is transferred from the cold ice cube to the hot soup.
c) Energy from the soup causes the molecules of the ice cube to slow down.
d) The energy from the ice cube causes the soup to warm up.

When a thing gets hotter the molecules ____________
a) the molecules are moving slower and have less kinetic energy.
b) the molecules are moving faster and have more kinetic energy.
c) the molecules are becoming stable and reaching an equilibrium.
d) the molecules are transfered out of the system into another system.

Energy _________ between two objects when a thing is in contact with another thing.
a) decreases
b) is transferred
c) is created
d) is destoyed

The state in which a system is stable and the temperatures are the same.
a) collision
b) average
c) temperature
d) equilibrium

When a thing gains or loses energy _______
a) energy is created and destroyed between the two things.
b) energy is given to another object
c) the energy gained or lost is divided among all the molecules of the thing.
d) the energy is lost between all the molecules of the thing.

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