Unit 4 Chapter 12 Sec 2 Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 54507)

Section 2 Part 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The person most responsible for the expansion of rice cultivation in southwest Louisiana
a) Seaman A. Knapp

Which is not true of Seaman A. Knapp?
a) He refused to share his secrets for growing rice until he was arrested
b) shared his methods for successful rice farming with local farmers.
c) encouraged farmers from his home state of Iowa to migrate to Louisiana
d) established towns, like Crowley in 1887, which became a hub for shipping Louisiana rice to other parts of the nation via rail

How were farmer alliances like unions?
a) in that they attempted to use the power of group organizing to achieve better conditions for those who labored on the land
b) They Both believe in owner rights
c) They Both were born out of the success of the poor farmer
d) They both failed

joining together
a) Fusion
b) Crozat
c) Connectiveness
d) Magnetic

Movement started by the joinng together of wealthy sugar planters and mostly poor farmers
a) Fusion Movement
b) Crozat Movement
c) Peoples Movement
d) Freedom Movement

The party the farmers supported was called the
a) The peoples party
b) Socialism
c) Communism
d) Libertarian

political movement that grew out of the actions of wealthy planters and poor farmers has come to be known as
a) Populism
b) Socialism
c) Communism
d) Despotism

belief in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people
a) Populism
b) Crozat
c) indoctrination
d) Discretion

a) a

a) a

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