Louisiana History Unit 4 Chapter 12 Question Preview (ID: 54501)

Chapter 12 Section 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

According to Louisiana Law which had to be separate according to race?
a) all of them
b) Streetcars
c) Blood supply in hospitals
d) Entrances

What best explains the reason segregation came to a head over transportation mechaanisms?
a) Races were in closer contact
b) Races were too far apart
c) The Civil War was still going os so people had more hatred
d) A recent Race Riot made it more dangerous

What word best describes the African American protest of the segregation of races on street cars in New Orleans?
a) It was effective and ended Segregation on the streetcars
b) It was ineffective and segregation still continued on street cars
c) It was partially effective
d) it failed to achieve anything

Free African Americans reacted to New Orleans attempt to segregate street cars in what manner?
a) They protested against it
b) They resigned themselves to the inevitability of it
c) They did nothing
d) Violent riots

In an attempt, in New Orleans, to segregate street cars in New Orleans, the African American Cars were marked in what way?
a) Yellow Stars
b) Pink Ribbons
c) Red Bows
d) Green Stars

Passed by Bourbons,. laws that required racial segregation in virtually all public places
a) Jim Crow Laws
b) Black Codes
c) Emancipation Law
d) Civil Insurrection Act

Another group in Louisisana besides African Americans, that suffered prejudice in Louisiana they were labeled Clannish and Criminal
a) Italians
b) Chinese
c) French
d) Germans

Act passed that required separate but equal railroad cars for whites and Blacks.
a) Separate Car Act
b) Freedom Rider Act
c) The Civil Insurrection Act
d) The Poison Pen Act

What can be said about most separate but equal facilities?
a) They were not equal
b) They were not separate
c) They were often better and newer in African American Areas
d) They were not popular with the white public

9 Italians were accused of killing a New Orleans Police Chief. They were tried and the jury either acquitted them or found them not guilty. What happen to the Italians accused of the crime
a) A mob hung them anyway
b) The Jury ordered them to prison anyway
c) They were paid for their trouble
d) They disappeared

What was the main reason lynching's took place in New Orleans in the late 1800's
a) They were generally connected to ensuring white political or economic control.
b) They were connected with empowering African Americans
c) They were connected with improving the plight of African Americans
d) They were generally over money

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