The Brain War Question Preview (ID: 545)

History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What country was Columbus's hometown?
a) Spain
b) Italy
c) France
d) England

Where did Columbus land on his first journey?
a) San Salvador
b) China
c) South America
d) Japan

Who conqered Mexico?
a) Vasco De Gama
b) George Washington
c) Orlando Cortes
d) John Cabit

What side were the Indians in the French and Indian War ?
a) France
b) neither
c) Japan
d) England

Who was the leader of Germany during World War I ?
a) Ronald Reagan
b) none of the above
c) Kieser Wilham II
d) Winston Churchhill

Who was the presedent of the USA during Word War I ?
a) John Adams
b) none of the above
c) Winston Churchhill
d) Woodrow Wilson

Who was the first president to talk on the radio?
a) Calvin Coolidge
b) none of the above
c) John F. Kennedy
d) Woodrow Wilson

What is the U.S. government?
a) Representative Republic
b) none of the above
c) Democracy
d) Communist

Who was the military leader of Japan during World War I ?
a) Bill Clinton
b) none of the above
c) Adoph Hitler
d) Tojo

What country started World War I ?
a) China
b) none of the above
c) Germany
d) Japan

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