Our Solar System Question Preview (ID: 54484)

Review Questions About Our Solar System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which planet has the Great Red Spot?
a) Mars
b) Jupiter
c) Earth
d) Pluto

Which planet spins sideways?
a) Jupiter
b) Mars
c) Neptune
d) Uranus

Planet closest to the sun?
a) Moon
b) Mars
c) Mercury
d) Venus

What is between Mars and Jupiter?
a) the asteroid belt
b) Saturn
c) all the dwarf planets
d) Comets

What makes up our solar system?
a) planets
b) the sun, planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids
c) the sun and the planets
d) 2 stars, planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, and meteroids

Which planets are Gaseous planets?
a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
b) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth
c) Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto
d) Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus

Which best describes a terrestrial planet?
a) small size, rocky surfaces, inner planets
b) small size, made up of gas, outer planets
c) large in size, have rings, made up of gases
d) large in size, outer planets, rocky surfaces

Which planet is the hottest?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mars

Which planet is known for it's rings?
a) Saturn
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Earth

How are our planets staying in orbit?
a) the moon
b) an invisible rope
c) planets orbit around Earth, not the Sun
d) the Sun's gravitational force

Which word/s best describes rotation?
a) go around
b) spin
c) wobble

Which of the following correctly orders the planets starting with the planet closest to the Sun?
a) Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus
d) Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury

Which of the following planets are terrestrial?
a) Mercury, Jupiter, Earth, Saturn
b) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
d) Mars, Neptune, Mercury, Earth

Which planet has the fastest revolution?
a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Earth

Which planet has the least gravitational force with the Sun?
a) Mercury
b) Earth
c) Jupiter
d) Neptune

What do moons revolve around?
a) the Sun
b) planets
c) moons
d) galaxies

Where is the asteroid belt located?
a) Between Mercury and Mars
b) Between Jupiter and Neptune
c) Between the moon and Earth
d) Between Mars and Jupiter

Why is a comet different than an asteroid?
a) Comets are made up of ice and dust, it has a tail and asteroids are big chunks of rock.
b) Comets are big chunks of rock and asteroids have a tail.
c) Comets orbit a planet. Asteroids orbit the sun.

Meteoroids can become:
a) a comet and meteor
b) a meteor and meteorite.
c) an asteroid.

A meteorite is different from meteoroid and meteor because
a) is a shooting star.
b) is part of a comet or asteroid.
c) is a burning rock in Earth's atmosphere.
d) hits the surface of a planet/moon.

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