Causes Of Civil War Review Question Preview (ID: 54466)

Causes Of Civil War Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which two issues played the GREATEST roles in causing the Civil War?
a) Manifest Destiny and Indian Removal
b) The Missouri Compromise and the California Gold Rush
c) State's Rights and Slavery
d) The election of James K. Polk and the Northwest Ordinance

Which of these inventions resulted in Southern farmers buying slaves in record numbers?
a) The Freedmen, who were hurt by high rates of unemployment due to the tariff.
b) Western settlers who saw the threat that the tariff posed to their efforts at industrialization.
c) Southerners who were forced to pay higher prices on goods the region did not produce.
d) Northerners who would experience increased industrial growth because of a decrease in British import

The Georgia Platform succeeded in saving the Union from collapse by;
a) balancing the number of slave states with the number of free states.
b) quieting radicals who wanted to secede after the Compromise of 1850.
c) threatening a Civil War if the North decided to secede from the Union.
d) establishing the guidelines for the creation of the Compromise of 1850.

Which BEST describes a result of the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case?
a) A slave had the right to sue for freedom in a federal court.
b) A slave was not a citizen but rather the property of an owner.
c) A slave was only a citizen after he or she purchased freedom.
d) A slave who lived on free soil for any length of time was free.

Which event was the immediate cause of South Carolina's secession from the Union in 1860?
a) the Missouri Compromise
b) the firing on Ft. Sumter
c) the Kansas-Nebraska Act
d) the election of Abraham Lincoln

Which of these BEST describes the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
a) It allowed slavery to remain unaltered in states who already used slave labor
b) Former slaves were afforded the right to join the war effort.
c) It immediately freed the slaves throughout the country.
d) The President publicly endorsed the abolition of slavery in southern states.

What role did Alexander Stephens fulfill following Georgia's secession from the Union?
a) Rebublican
b) vice president of the Confederacy
c) cooperationist
d) Leader of the Georgia state convention

The site of the biggest and bloodiest Civil War battles in Georgia was;
a) Andersonville
b) Chattanooga
c) Atlanta
d) Chickamauga

Which segment of the American population would have been MOST opposed to the Tariff of 1828?
a) The Freedmen, who were hurt by high rates of unemployment due to the tariff.
b) Western settlers who saw the threat that the tariff posed to their efforts at industrialization.
c) Southerners who were forced to pay higher prices on goods the region did not produce.
d) Northerners who would experience increased industrial growth because of a decrease in British import

One purpose of General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea was to;
a) prove that he was the most skilled Union general
b) allow troops under his command to get rest
c) break the spirits of Confederate citizens
d) find ships to sail his soldiers to the North

Which of these BEST describes the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
a) It allowed slavery to remain unaltered in states who already used slave labor
b) Former slaves were afforded the right to join the war effort.
c) The President publicly endorsed the abolition of slavery in southern states.
d) It immediately freed the slaves throughout the country.

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