Plant Propagation Set 2 Question Preview (ID: 54360)

Review Questions For Plant Propagation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why is a mist of water applied to cuttings at regular intervals between dawn and sunset?
a) to create an environment inhospitable to fungi and bacteria
b) to initiate enzyme activity necessary to stimulate root formation
c) to provide plant cells with protection against direct sunlight
d) to reduce water loss from the plant tissue through transpiration

Why should flowers on the stem of a cutting be removed before sticking?
a) to deter potential insect pollinators
b) to direct energy to root development
c) to stimulate reproductive growth
d) to use for ornamental purposes

What method of propagation may involve portions of stems, leaves, or roots removed from the plant?
a) budding
b) cuttings
c) grafting
d) layering

What is asexual propagation?
a) reproduction involving the stigma, ovule, or ovary
b) reproduction through genetic recombination
c) reproduction through the union of two sex cells
d) reproduction using vegetative parts of a plant

Which are the ideal conditions for propagation by cuttings?
a) a dense, moist, sterile medium; high humidity; full sun; cool medium
b) a dense moist, wet medium; low humidity; shade; bottom heat
c) a loose, moist, highly fertile medium; low humidity; full sun; cool medium
d) a loose, moist, sterile medium; high humidity; shade; bottom heat

What is an advantage of asexual propagation in the horticulture industry?
a) Only a single fertilization is required rather than the normal double fertilization.
b) Outstanding characteristics of plants are assured to be passed on to the offspring.
c) Plants produced benefit from genetic contributions from both of the parent plants.
d) The offspring produced are more likely to be resistant to disease and insect pests.

What term describes the practice of placing cuttings into a medium?
a) budding
b) grafting
c) sowing
d) sticking

Why should healthy leaves that have just reached maturity be used for leaf cuttings?
a) They are generally the largest, most attractive, and blemish-free.
b) They have immature root buds that develop once leaves are removed.
c) They have the highest food production and the capacity to produce new plantlets.
d) They have superior heterozygote advantage than less healthy leaves.

Which of the following types of stem cuttings is taken from evergreens and deciduous plants during the winter when the plants are in the dormant stage?
a) hardwood cuttings
b) herbaceous cuttings
c) semi-hardwood cuttings
d) softwood cuttings

Which of the following types of cuttings can be expected to take the longest to develop roots?
a) hardwood cuttings
b) leaf cuttings
c) root cuttings
d) softwood cuttings

What type of roots arise from any plant part other than the seedling roots or their branches?
a) adventitious roots
b) fleshy roots
c) napiform roots
d) secondary roots

Why would a plant propagator choose to use the layering technique to propagate a plant?
a) Layering can be conducted anywhere; especially in greenhouses.
b) Occasionally new cultivars with improved genetics are discovered.
c) The parent plant supports the new plant during root development.
d) The technique results in far more offspring than other techniques.

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