Food Webs Vocab Question Preview (ID: 54325)

Vocab For Food Webs Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A sequence of living things in which each one feeds on the living thing below it.
a) food web
b) apex predator
c) food chain
d) extinction

a model made of intersecting food chains
a) food web
b) apex predator
c) decomposer
d) compost

A process by which plants use sunlight to make sugar from carbon dioxide and water.
a) compost
b) producer
c) decomposer
d) photosynthesis

A living thing (almost always a plant) that takes energy from the sun and make its own food.
a) photosynthesis
b) fungi
c) producer
d) decomposer

An animal found at the top of a food web and is not eaten by any other animals. Examples include sharks, owls and lions.
a) consumer
b) apex predator
c) decomposer
d) producer

Living things that break down dead and decaying organisms. The most common are bacteria and fungi.
a) decomposers
b) compost
c) producers
d) apex predators

Tiny living things that are everywhere around us. We can only see them with a very powerful microscope
a) fungi
b) producers
c) bacteria
d) decomposers

a living thing that helps break down dead and decaying matter. Some familiar examples are mushrooms, mold and yeast.
a) bacteria
b) fungi
c) compost
d) producers

A living thing that is no longer found alive anywhere on Earth today.
a) extinction
b) endangered
c) compost
d) food web

usually made by gathering plant material such as leaves and vegetable peels into a pile and letting it decompose over many months thanks to bacteria and fungi
a) decomposers
b) compost
c) photosynthesis
d) producers

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