Confidence Intervals Question Preview (ID: 54236)

Confidence Intervals For Mu And P. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Create a CI for mu using x bar = 10 and E = 2
a) (8,12)
b) (2, 10)
c) (5, 20)
d) (6, 14)

Create a CI for mu using x bar = 5.3 and E = 1.1
a) (1.1, 5.3)
b) (3.2, 7.5)
c) (4.2, 6.4)
d) (2.1, 8.6)

Create a CI for p using p hat = 7 and E = 0.94
a) (0.94, 7)
b) (6.06, 7.94)
c) (2.75, 4.83)
d) (4, 6.94)

Create a CI for p using p hat = 25 and E = 8
a) (11, 24)
b) (13, 27)
c) (15, 30)
d) (17, 33)

How would increasing a CL from 90% to 95% affect a CI?
a) It would increase the margin of error resulting in a wider interval.
b) It would decrease the margin of error resulting in a narrower interval.
c) It would not affect the CI.
d) not enough information

The z-score for a CL of 90% is
a) 1.079
b) 1.645
c) 1.960
d) 2.381

The z-score for a CL of 95% is
a) 1.079
b) 1.645
c) 1.960
d) 2.381

When the sample size n is less than 30, you can use a
a) t-distribution
b) q-distribution
c) n-distribution
d) p-distribution

Degrees of freedom d.f. are equal to
a) margin of error E - 1
b) sample size n - 1
c) z-score z - 1
d) t-score t - 1

You can get a degree of freedom at
a) the mall
b) a restaurant
c) a party hat store
d) law school

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