Vertebrates/Invertebrates Question Preview (ID: 54234)

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The hard outside covering that protects a lobster is called________?
a) body armor
b) endoskeleton
c) exoskeleton
d) shell

What is flat, round, and can swim or crawl?
a) sponge
b) worm
c) fish
d) snake

Which of the following have a hard shell and a muscular foot?
a) mollusk
b) amphibian
c) sponge
d) reptile

An animal with a backbone is called this.
a) invertebrate
b) vertebrate
c) sponge

What is a cold blooded vertebrate with smooth moist skin that lives part of life in water and part on land?
a) mammal
b) amphibian
c) reptile
d) fish

Animals with exoskeletons and jointed legs are called_______?
a) amphibians
b) reptiles
c) arthropods
d) mollusk

Which group do snails belong to?
a) arthropods
b) vertebrates
c) invertebrates
d) reptiles

What phylum would a newt belong to?
a) arachnid
b) crustacean
c) mollusk
d) amphibian

What phylum would a sea anemone belong to?
a) hollow-bodied animals
b) insect
c) spiny-skinned animals
d) segmented worm

What is a mammal that lays eggs?
a) eagle
b) frog
c) platypus
d) tarantula

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