Periodic Table Of The Elements Question Preview (ID: 54144)

Organization Of The Periodic Table. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Elements that are along a staircase section of the periodic table are called:e called:
a) metals
b) nonmetals
c) metalloids
d) semi metals

A one or two letter representation of an element is called:
a) atomic mass
b) chemical symbol
c) atomic number
d) element name

The total weight of an atom is an elements:
a) atomic mass
b) chemical symbol
c) atomic number
d) element name

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is an elements:
a) atomic mass
b) chemical symbol
c) atomic number
d) element name

The squares in the periodic table are called:
a) elements
b) compounds
c) metalloids
d) element keys

How many periods are in the periodic table?
a) 7
b) 18
c) 92
d) more than 100

Vertical columns in the periodic table are called:
a) periods
b) groups
c) metals
d) elements

How many groups are in the periodic table:
a) 7
b) 18
c) 92
d) more than 100

Horizontal rows in the periodic table are called:
a) periods
b) groups
c) metals
d) elements

The chemical symbol 'C' stands for:
a) calcium
b) chlorine
c) carbon
d) cobalt

A one or two letter code that represents an element is called:
a) atomic number
b) atomic mass
c) chemical symbol
d) element key

There are more of this type of element than the others:
a) metal
b) nonmetal
c) metalloid
d) semi metals

The chemical symbol 'N' stands for:
a) nitrogen
b) neon
c) nickel
d) sodium

The chemical symbol 'Na' stands for:
a) nitrogen
b) neon
c) nickel
d) sodium

The chemical symbol 'H' stands for:
a) helium
b) oxygen
c) hydrogen
d) uranium

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